



16. Forum Gründungsforschung: Kollmann, Tobias / Stöckmann, Christoph / Kuckertz, Andreas: Do nascent entrepreneurs really take the line of least resistance? Obstacles, missing resources and the role of overconfidence in the early venture formation process. 08. - 09. November 2012, Potsdam, Deutschland.


16. Forum Gründungsforschung: Stöckmann, Christoph / Kollmann, Tobias / Linstaedt, Jana: A Team Is Only as Strong as Its Weakest Link: A Multilayered Examination of Personality in Entrepreneurial Teams. 08. – 09. November 2012, Potsdam, Deutschland.

BCERC 2012

Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference: Kollmann, Tobias / Meves, Yvonne / Stöckmann, Christoph: Resolving the Heterogeneity Dilemma in Entrepreneurial Team Composition: The Pivotal Role of Emotional Intelligence. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 6. bis 9. Juni 2012, Fort Worth, TX.

BCERC 2011

Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference: Kollmann, Tobias / Kuckertz, Andreas / Middelberg, Nils: Antecedents of Venture Capital Fundraising Success - The Importance of Track Record, Trust and Perceived Controllability (Summary).


15. Forum Gründungsforschung: Kollmann, Tobias / Kuckertz, Andreas / Middelberg, Nils: Successful Venture Capital Fundraising – Empirical Results from a Global Survey among Limited Partners. 02. - 04. November 2011, St. Gallen/Zürich, Schweiz.


15. Forum Gründungsforschung: Kollmann, Tobias / Stöckmann, Christoph / Krell, Patrick: The Transformational Leadership-Dependency-Creativity-Dilemma: The Pivotal Role of Empowerment. 02. - 04. November 2011, St. Gallen/Zürich, Schweiz.