



18. Forum Gründungsforschung:  Kollmann, Tobias / Stöckmann, Christoph / Peschl, Anika: Linking Narcissism and Business Planning Performance in Entrepreneurial Teams: The Sequential Mediation of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation. 13.-14. November 2014, Oldenburg, Deutschland.

ACERE Conference

Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference: Kollmann, Tobias / Stöckmann, Christoph / Linstaedt, Jana / Peschl, Anika: Linking Narcissism and Business Plan Performance in Entrepreneurial Teams: The Mediating Role of Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation. 04.-07. Februar 2014, Sydney, Australien.


17. Forum Gründungsforschung:  Kollmann, Tobias / Stöckmann, Christoph / Linstaedt, Jana: What makes a Great Business Plan? Team Conflict and Narcissism! Re-examining the Team Conflict-Team Performance Relationship. 07.-08. November 2013, Koblenz, Deutschland.


17. Forum Gründungsforschung: Kollmann, Tobias / Stöckmann, Christoph / Peschl, Anika: Unternehmerisch orientierte Persönlichkeit, Attraktivitätswahrnehmung von Berufen und die Karriereoptionen Entrepreneur,Intrapreneur und traditioneller Manager. 07.-08. November 2013, Koblenz, Deutschland.

AOM Meeting

2013 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Opportunity Recognition and Opportunity Exploitation - Two Validated Measurement Scales. 2013 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 09.-13. August, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

AOM Meeting

2013 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: There Is an I in Team: A Multilayered Examination of Personality in Entrepreneurial Teams. 2013 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 09.-13. August, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

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