


AOM Meeting 2022

Kollmann, T., Hensellek, S., De Cruppe, K., Flatten, C., Then-Bergh, C. (2022). I Know What You Want Before You Know It: A Model for Predicting Time-Dependent Customer Behavior. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2022, No. 1, p. 17693). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management

EURAM Conference 2020

Kollmann, Tobias / Hensellek, Simon / Jung, Philipp Benedikt / de Cruppe, Katharina  (2020): How Bricoleurs Go International: A European Study about the Moderating Role of Governmental Programs. European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2020, 4.-6. December 2020, Virtual.

Gewinner des "EURAM SIMA AWARD: BEST PAPER 2020"

G-Forum 2020

Kollmann, Tobias / Kleine-Stegemann, Lucas / Markus Czichowsky (2020): The antecedents and consequences of using artificial intelligence in e-ventures—A structured literature review. 24. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum), 28.09-02.10.2020, Virtual.

G-Forum 2020

Kollmann, Tobias / Hensellek, Simon / Kleine-Stegemann, Lucas (2020): The moderating role of span of control on the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership, strategic flexibility, and venture performance: An upper echelon perspective. 24. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum), 28.09-02.10.2020, Virtual.

AOM Meeting 2020

Kollmann, Tobias / Hensellek, Simon / Jung, Philipp B. / de Cruppe, Katharina  (2020): How Bricoleurs Go International: A European Study about the Moderating Role of Governmental Programs. 80. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), 6.-11. August 2020, Virtual.

AOM Meeting 2020

Kollmann, Tobias / Stöckmann, Christoph / Jung, Philipp B. / Kleine-Stegemann, Lucas / Michaelis, Alexander (2020): Does Culture Eat Strategy? The Antecedents of Cooperation Capability in Young ICT Firms. 80. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), 6.-11. August 2020, Virtual.

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